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Thousands of Project Housing & Trailer Park homes in Denver to close down soon, forcing people t

Since the rush of many people moving to Colorado and the demand for living close to Downtown Denver is so high,many natives are already starting to see a change. With the closing down of many Project housing apartments on 9th and Lipan to now removing 100’s of trailer homes up and down Morrison Road in Denver, people that have lived there for years are being forced to leave. In place of their old homes will be newer built , higher end apartments, which will most likely cost double than what they were paying before.

Still standing are Sun Valley Homes off 10th and Federal, Columbine Project housing on Alameda and Tejon, Quigg Newton Project housing on 44th and Mariposa and many others surrounding downtown Denver. They are the next target for tear down and are in plans to soon be rebuilt into a better , so called, community.Many people who have already had their homes taken away are saying they are being forced into Gentrification. With the price of living now almost triple than what is was before many people who have lived here for decades are complaining they’ll never be able to get ahead or live like how they use to. This is causing them to move out of state, live homeless, rob, steal, and more. Once they tear down the rest of the surrounding project housing communities and trailer parks many say it’s only to get worse.



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