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Narcos Crew members are Scared to shoot future scenes unless they have proper security.

Walking out of an Airport Narcos" Star Pedro Pascal Says The Show Can't Continue If Cast And Crew Aren't Protected! reported by TMZ.

The Show is being Sued By Pablo Escobar's brother and he feels like they are disrespecting his country by not getting his permission to use his brothers story.

The Netflix series displays the rise of the cocaine trade in Colombia and the gripping real-life stories of drug kingpins of the late '80s in this raw, gritty original series. Also detailed are the actions taken by law enforcement as they battle in the war on drugs, targeting notorious and powerful figures that include drug lord Pablo Escobar. As efforts are made to control cocaine, one of the world's most valuable commodities, the many entities involved -- legal, political, police, military and civilian -- find themselves in conflict.

It is not sure yet as to if production is to continue but I don't think they want to risk their life.



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