Rapper XXXTentacion apologizes to the Migos after accusing them of assault, suspects have been ident

After claiming of getting assaulted and jumped by the Migos, rapper XXXTentacion took to social media to call out the members and went off on a rant that led to him wanting to set up a celebrity boxing match against Offset of the Migos. This all occurred after he got jumped by two guys who were wearing a Migos chain in Los Angeles. XXX went off on the rappers calling them m scared and to stop acting like a B#tch but it turns out XXXTentacion was wrong. Video security footage has been released and it shows a whole different picture.

Footage shows the two guys faces who jumped XXX but they were not part of the Migos, they were just wearing chains that said Migo Gang. It's uncertain if they are affiliated with the group but XXXTentacion has issued a public apology on his social media saying , "'From the Bottom of my heart I apologize to you, you only caught in the cross fire of your blood line, blessings." An investigation is being pursued as to what led up to this and authorities are on the look out for these guys.
