Child Sex Trafficking Victim Cyntoia Brown gets help from Kim Kardashian & Her Lawyers, should s

Cyntoia’s troubles didn’t just begin as a teenager. She was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome in 2012, and experienced both abuse and neglect as a child. Cyntoia was forced into sex trafficking as a teen by a drug dealer and pimp named “Cut Throat” who eventually led her to the situation where she felt that her life was being threatened.Cyntoia was just 16 when she was first put behind bars and charged with first-degree murder with a mandatory life sentence, according to ABC News. Cyntoia was forced into sex trafficking after being purchased by a 43-year-old man from her pimp authorities say.She was taken to his house while in fear and killed the man during an altercation in his home.

Posts from celebrities calling for her release (along with the hashtag #FreeCyntoiaBrown) have sparked a new discussion about the former sex slave’s future.Even Kim Kardashian West has taken Cyntoia’s matter into her own hands calling on her lawyers to address the situation.Kim has not only participated in raising awareness on social media, she is also using her influence and connections to get Cyntoia some top-notch help.Cyntoia is certainly not free yet, but she finally has what she deserves: the best help she can get.This is not the first time Kim has used her power for good and to free victims who have been unfairly treated by the legal system.She also recently contacted Shawn Holley to help in the case of Alice Johnson, a 62-year-old grandmother serving 21 years of a life sentence for a first-time, non-violent drug offense.
