Colorado man gives his dog Medical Marijuana to prevent her from having seizures, is he wrong or rig

After taking his Dog to the vet numerous for having seizures, Robert did not get any results for his dog who was suffering,Vets said that every time the dog had a seizure she was losing memory and could some day have one so bad that it could make her suffer a stroke. Running many tests Vets could not find the reason the English Bulldog was having them so frequently and told Robert that it could take a long time to find a solution. They would have to try many different costly medications which would make the dog act differently and take time to find the right one. They were sent home and told if she starts having them more they will start medication.

Robert than decided, instead of letting the dog suffer, he would try something else that has been helping lots of kids and people having the same symptoms.He than went to a dispensary and picked up some Medical Marijuana and had it ready in case of an emergency.One day out of no where the English Bulldog started having a seizure so Robert grabbed his Glass pipe he bought, torched the marijuana he had packed in it, and blew it into the dogs face. After the dog inhaled it, instantly her seizure stopped. Something from the Marijuana caused a neurological reaction which made her stop from convulsing. "This was a miracle and saved her life" Rob said," I will continue to support this miracle Medicine until a real solution comes along!"

There are many causes of seizures. Idiopathic epilepsy, the most common cause of seizures in the dog, is an inherited disorder, but its exact cause is unknown. Other causes include liver disease, kidney failure, brain tumors, brain trauma, or toxins.Seizures often occur at times of changing brain activity, such as during excitement or feeding, or as the dog is falling asleep or waking up. Affected dogs can appear completely normal between seizures.
the seizure itself and lasts from a few seconds to up to five minutes. During a seizure, the dog may lose consciousness or may just have a change in mental awareness ("absence" seizures or hallucinations such as snapping at invisible objects). If the dog experiences a grand mal, or full-blown seizure with loss of consciousness, all of the muscles of the body contract spastically and erratically. The dog usually falls over on its side and paddles its legs while seeming to be otherwise paralyzed. The head will often be drawn backward. Urination, defecation, and salivation may occur. If the seizure has not stopped within five minutes, the dog is said to be in status epilepticus or prolonged seizure. Status epilepticus is considered an immediate emergency and medical help should be sought.