Police are called on a Black Woman after she buys over $6700 worth of Louis Vuitton with her busines

Dana Hale and her 24 year old daughter were holiday shopping and decided to stop on at Saks 5th and purchase some Louis Vuitton in Troy. The business owner purchased 2 high end bags, a keychain, and belt for her and her daughter for Christmas. She spent over $6700 in total and paid for half of the bill with cash and the other half with her business card.After leaving Dana Hale was stunned when she was stopped by police claiming that the name on the card and business we're two different names and that's why they received the call from Employee's. Hale showed the police officer that the transaction had said approved but the officer continued to press why he was there.

Hale said she was racial profiled because of her skin color and race. She said she was also harassed,belittled, intimidated by police and embarrassed as she was questioned in front of many customers. Someone form Sakes Fifth Avenue has contacted her and said they would pay the full bill of $6700 and she can also keep the merchandise but Dana has declined and hired an attorney to handle the case. This is not the first time Saks Fifth Avenue has discriminated on someone because of their race or gender. In 2014, Saks fired transgender employee Leyth Jamal after she was allegedly "belittled by coworkers, forced to use the men's room and repeatedly referred to by male pronouns (he and him)"

After Jamal submitted a lawsuit for unfair dismissal, the company stated in a motion to dismiss that "it is well settled that transsexuals are not protected by Title VII." In a court filing, the United States Department of Justice rebuked Saks' argument, stating that "discrimination against an individual based on gender identity is discrimination because of sex." The company was removed from the Human Rights Campaign's list of "allies" during the controversy. The lawsuit was later settled amicably, without disclosing the terms of the settlement. With Dana Hale's case she plans to sue Saks for an undisclosed amount also..
