Madonna's ex wants $21,000,000 for a pair of her panties he's been saving & plans to auc

Peter Shue , ex of popular singer Madonna, is planning to auction of a pair of her panties he received in 1994 before she boarded a plane. Shue is demanding that Madonna pay him $21,000,000 to stop him from publicly displaying them. The underwear and other possession's of Madonna's are to be part of an online auction by Gotta Have Rock and Roll.In an exclusive interview with Radar,Shue claimed Madonna’s legal team has been attempting to buy the undergarments back, but the two sides couldn’t settle on a price. He has been scrutinized as a con artist by her fans and has been arrested for selling drugs in a recent case.

After being arrested for trying to distribute kilos of cocaine, Shue had to serve over 20 Years in prison and believes people close to him had something to do with it. He wants $20,000,000 for the time her served in prison and says the singers possessions are his since he was left with them.Their relationship lasted less than a year and was sent the gift by Madonna after he declined to fly to France with her which he now plans to sell. Shue claims that Madonna had connected him with an informant who would later backstab him and set him up with the police.Shue in a recent interview with Radar says, "“I don’t hate her. Hate is such a serious word,” he said. “She played a part in messing with my life. But now everything is in God’s hands.”
