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Music Composer Melvin Fromm Jr. continues to create Instrumental Music that will blow your mind!

A lifetime of dedicated faith, boundless enthusiasm and true passion for the art of music, have led Melvin Fromm Jr. into a sonic whirlwind of creativity, imagination and inspiration. From his hometown in Lancaster County, PA, he began to write, produce & record his own stunning & stylistic instrumental songs in mid 2015 and soon found his highly-adaptable talents were suited to many facets of music found all the way around the globe. With an impressive 200+ countries putting Melvin’s songs on the radio – it became clear that music-fans from all over the world were truly connecting to his rhythms & melodies. As his growth continues so does his fan base which continues to support his every move. His instrumentals are also featured with different styles of tones to keep fans wanting more.

Composer Melvin Fromm Jr. has 234 songs added so far to the number #1 background environmental music company in Asia with daily plays in the hundreds and growing stronger each passing day as Melvin's music has the potential to be heard in thousands of restaurants, retail outlets, shopping malls, hotels across south east Asia in countries like Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand,and Indonesia. Melvin's music is also starting to get play at Dairy Queen, Domino Pizza, and Dunkin Donuts worldwide. Melvin is always so thankful for God's help with his powerful hand in making of his music. Find Melvin @ and be on the lookout for this talented artist.

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