Songwriter Joe Jermano weaves a compelling story through melody and lyric to engage listeners in a p

Accomplished singer-songwriter and guitarist Joe Jermano weaves a compelling story through melody and lyric to engage listeners in a profound way. Jermano’s forthcoming EP, “My Every Move,” is a collaborative effort with internationally acclaimed producer/engineer Chuck Alkazian (Pop Evil, Trust Company, Soundgarden) and engineer Josh Karpowicz at the renowned Pearl Sound Studios in Canton, MI. The album showcases Jermano's considerable vocal, lyrical, and musical talent and features innovative guitar riffs, creative percussion, ethereal keyboards, and inventive chord changes and harmonies. His previous EP, “The People Inside,” was also recorded at Pearl Sound Studios and released earlier this year, and his debut album, “All Seems Quiet,” was released in December, 2014. Veteran artists Jason Hartless, Steve Joslin, Paul Moore and Woody Crawford are regular collaborators on Jermano's projects.
Jermano’s sound and style draw inspiration from both classic rock and jazz while reflecting a unique, often mystical quality. His work is intensely personal, imaginative, and compelling, reflecting themes of love and loss. His next album will explore the subconscious realm of dreams. Jermano began his journey into guitar and songwriting as a child, guided by parents who encouraged musical expression. He studied under jazz guitarist Len Braunling and earned a degree in audio recording at Columbia School of Music in Chicago. A resident of the Detroit area, Jermano and his wife, Dory, are devoted caregivers to their daughter, Mia, who was paralyzed in a car accident in 2009 when she was three years old.
