Immigration Check points are being setup all around Colorado.
This past weekend more than 5 Checkpoints were setup with Immigration Police in Colorado to capture illegal immigrants. 20 arrests were...

Man shoots up Pizza Restaurant over fake Facebook news links he thought were real, What Facebook pla
With the uprising of fake news links being spread all across Facebook many believe that it has swayed the presidential election among...

Thousands of Project Housing & Trailer Park homes in Denver to close down soon, forcing people t
Since the rush of many people moving to Colorado and the demand for living close to Downtown Denver is so high,many natives are already...

Study says, “Marijuana effects the nervous system and regular use can lead to a loss of vision”
Rajesh Rao, Retinal Surgeon from The study by JAMA Ophthalmology, says there's an association between regular cannabis use and ganglion...

Man in Colorado sets himself on fire after he smokes Gas weed.
Julio Romero , a Colorado native, suffers third degree burns after he set fire to a marijuana joint that was dipped in Gasoline. The...

Juggaloes and Movies are being blamed for the Killer clown prank shootings.
People from all over the United states are shocked by the recent Killer clown pranks that have lead to multiple shootings in different...

Denver Colorado Hip Hop group, Stryker & MFT, become Co Signed by Roc Nation
After many years of struggling to get their music heard, Denver Colorado hip hop group, Stryker & MFT get the recognition they deserve....