Rapper Kodak Black is arrested on Instagram Live after they raid his house. (Video Here)

Kodak Black is at it again, this time while going live on Instagram. Video shows him being arrested after police raid his house. The video has ranked up thousands of views and people were stunned while watching the rapper get arrested and taken away.Dieuson Octave was born on June 11, 1997 in Pompano Beach, Florida, where he was also raised. His mother, Marcelene Octave and his father were emigrants from Haiti. Octave was raised by his mother in Golden Acres, a public housing project in Pompano Beach.Octave, aka Kodak Black, has been a figure of controversy mainly due to his interactions on social media and his legal issues.Octave was placed into a youth detention center three times in one year, and then placed on probation and is well known for getting in and out of trouble. He has even gone to the extent to rap about it since he lives that life.
In September 2016, Octave argued no challenge to two misdemeanor charges and was sentenced to four months imprisoned. He was credited for time went through in care anticipating trial and was required to serve 120 days. He was moreover suspended from driving for one year.Kodak Black was discharged from imprison in Florida, and was at that point transported to Florence, South Carolina to confront charges of sexual assault. The female victim detailed the occurrence to her school nurse, she had gone to a February 2016 event by Kodak at "Treasure City" in Florence, after which she went with the vocalist to his lodging room where he is affirmed to have told her he "couldn't offer assistance himself" as he tore off her dress, bit her over and over, and assaulted her as she shouted for offer assistance. Octave was discharged from care in South Carolina on December 1, 2016 after posting a $100,000 bond, but returned to court on February 8, 2017.On May 4, 2017, Octave was sentenced for violating his house arrest to 364 days in the Broward County Jail, with the possibility of an early release if he completes a life skills course. He was released on June 5, 2017. He will remain on house arrest for one year, and five years of probation but it's ensure as to what's going on now with his new arrest.
