Facebook now lets people post music on their profiles similar to Myspace

It was discovered today by one of our staff members that you can now put your favorite songs on your personal Facebook profile. This is only noticed on mobile view for now though and has not yet rolled out to Desktop and are unsure if this is available to every user. What's cool about this feature is that you can also pin your favorite song to the top of your profile. For your music to show up on Facebook you must have it distributed through a major retailer which will than distribute your music to Facebook for use.
Now your friends can support your music directly on Facebook no more having to go and search for your music somewhere else.

What's also cool is once your music is distributed on Facebook you can now post a song on your Facebook story also. The only downfall is people can only view a Facebook story for 15 minutes than it disappears which is hardly enough time for people to listen to your song. You can create a snippet though and direct people to your profile to hear the rest of your song. This is the first step towards Facebook music, what do you think , is this a good move??